
Our safety and that of our patrons is paramount. Always try to de-escalate the situation, never try to be commanding or domineering.

Conflict Action Plan

Take a moment

Take a deep breath. When we are confronted with something we can make quick decisions without thinking. Allow yourself the chance to breath.

Is there harm?

Am I or someone else in physical harm? If yes consult the OzHarvest security guard now. Once security is there, consult a team leader

Calm and listen

Not in physical harm? Kindly ask the person in a soft, calm voice to tell you what is their problem. Don’t be defensive – these problems and insults aren’t about you, they are the result of trauma we do not know about. The best thing you can do is listen, non-judgmentally. Most people just need to feel heard.


“I am sorry you are feeling this way, I am not the best person for your situation but if you could wait to the side here I will get my manager who can help you.” Your job here today is not fix the issue, but ensure the person they are in safe hands.

Look after yourself

Confrontations can feel bad – take some time for yourself, make a cup of tea, there is no weakness in looking after yourself. Ask a manager for help if you need to debrief.